I truly love being outside and living up what I feel is my best life. With the weather changing and many people are more than ready to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. I know I sure am and my family is big on seeing new things every single year! It is simply part of who I am and who my family is too. The joy of exploring, learning, and seeing new and rare places is one of the best parts of life. The newest of places is not always the best and sometimes just going to that old familiar camping ground or spot is just the ticket. But the important part is to go out and be there.
So It is important for me and my family to enjoy our trip as much as possible and we do that by being safe and planning out the weekend just a little before we show up. If you show up and find yourself simply without plans, sometimes that can be stressful and that is the last thing you want. But there is something to planning and in some cases it is necessary. Now I would say I plan a little bit more because of my stoma and that keeps me ahead of the game because I want to make sure my ostomy care is top-notch when I am out in the wild. I also don't want to think about it any more than I have to while I am enjoying a nice weekend outside. So keeping up with the best gear helps me to do that in more than just ostomy gear.
Don't go in blind when you visit a new place or go camping. It is nice to know what is available and that is part of choosing a really good spot to be. So I like to plan at least one or two activities to do when we are camping before we show up. This by no means we are going to do them, but if I have some options that are readily available and people start getting bored or antsy it is nice not to have to come up with something on the spot. It also helps me plan my ostomy care and know what I need to pack on the adventure we have planned. At least that's my personal thoughts on it. Have you ever had two dogs barking at neighbors, kids screaming for absolutely no reason, and a wife that is ready to go home and is also getting bored? That is simply a recipe for a disaster and a very good chance you won't be camping for a long time. So by not worrying about what you are going to be doing you can attend to the screaming children, or work on the barking dog before it all happens at once. That is a joy of doing a little bit of planning.
It is not all bad to plan and I suggest making sure you have all the ostomy products you need and maybe even double in case something goes wrong. Sometimes people also need a little organization in their lives to enjoy their time. Now go out and enjoy the great outdoors and be free to live a happy life of adventure.